How to Encourage Reading

Do you want to know something crazy?  I have 2 children who are 3/4 of a birthday old today….and, I don’t have twins.  How could that be?  To see the answer to the riddle, see the *at the end of the post.  ANYWAY, so today I wanted to let you in on a little secret on a few things I am ordering for my children for upcoming gifts…whether it be an upcoming birthday, or holiday (in this case, Easter).  Many times I am asked the question about how to encourage reading.  One way I encourage reading in my kids is to order magazines as gifts!  These gifts will definitely encourage reading!  Not only do they encourage reading once, but because they come as a monthly subscription, there is an easy new set of materials to read and enjoy each month.  I have included suggestions for all ages because I have many different age children.  My children already receive a few of these magazines.  Children always love to go and get the mail, but -when they might be getting a magazine in the mail…this is also a great way to encourage them getting the mail! No, seriously and sincerely my children LOVE getting magazines in the mail.  They love to read them with me before bed, or other times during the day.  The love to read them on their own and look at all the pictures. My sister is a librarian and she is great at giving the children gifts of magazines…  the children just LOVE it.  Also, it is great that we have a few different subscriptions that come because they all come at different times and so there always seems to be something new around to read – and so the children are always reading.

How to encourage Reading: One suggestion that your child will love.

OKAY, so….here are my picks on how to encourage reading.

How to Encourage Reading

1.Fun to Learn Friends Magazine My first pick is for Fun to Learn Friends Magazine.  I actually just learned about this magazine while researching for this post.  I am definitely ordering this because I currently have a 3 year old who is head over heels CRAZY for Peppa Pig….and guess who is on the cover of the magazine above…PEPPA!  I am not kidding you, if my 3 year old received this magazine he would probably carry it with him everywhere for weeks…  eating and sleeping with it.  So, looks like this is on my to order list for Easter.  It looks like the magazine will have many favorite characters in it.  According to their website, it is “Perfect for preschoolers, each issue contains drawing, matching, counting, coloring and reading activities. A character poster, plus a 6-page pull-out workbook, are also included in each issue. There is a “playroom penpals” page to encourage children to write in or draw pictures of their favorite characters. Fun to Learn Friends Magazine provides hours of fun and learning for children ages 3 to 8.”  Honestly, it looks like an AMAZING way to encourage reading.

2. American Girl magazine
We actually get this magazine at our home as well.  My 9 year old and 7 year old both love to read it.  According to their description on the website, “American Girl Magazine is the age-appropriate alternative to teen magazines created especially for girls ages 8 and up. Always spirited, wholesome, and fun, it’s the magazine that lets girls be girls. Each issue is packed with fun & friendship, party plans, crafts, real girls’ stories, and quizzes and contests. Parent’s Choice and EdPress award winner.”


3.  Chirp I have heard really great thing about this magazine.  According to their webiste:  “Especially for preschoolers and beginning readers, Chirp Magazine uses simple text, engaging artwork, and age appropriate games, puzzles and crafts to delight parents and children alike. For ages 3-6 years.”  I believe this also received Parents choice of the year award.

4.  Boys’ LifeBoys Life looks like a great way to encourage boys to read.  This is definitely a magazine I will purchase for my little boys when they are a few years bigger.  According to the site description:  “Boys’ Life magazine is to entertain and educate all boys and to open their eyes to the joyous world of reading. Includes a mix of news, nature, sports, history, fiction, science, and comics. For ages 7 to 14.”


5.Superman: Action Another great way to encourage boys to read is through comics!  The two pictures above are for Action and Batman, but this site has a few more as well.  They have Green Lantern, Catwoman, Heman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Justice Legue United, Supergirl, Batgirl,…and I am sure I missed a few.  I am really loving the website I found to order magazines because it has them all easily sorted by age, gender, etc

Highlights For Children OR Highlights High Five OR Highlights Hello
No list of children’s magazines to encourage reading would be complete without Highlights…  From Hello to High Five to Highlights, there is a great magazine for every age child.  I know I remember going to the dentist and loving that they had Highlights magazine there…and loving the search and find within it.  I also love the stories in there.  My kids currently get High Five in the mail…and, I am thinking my seven year old is finally ready to receive Highlights!

7.   .  

Disney Princess (3-6) OR Disney Junior (3-5) I know a few little princesses in my home that would love a few Disney Magazines…  It is easy to see that it is easy to encourage reading when the reading material is something they clearly like and want to know more about, and it is fresh and exciting when it arrives in the mailbox.


Zoobooks (ages 6-12) OR Zootles (ages 2-6) OR Zoobies (ages 0-3)
Next – I pick Zoobooks.  They  have a few different magazines for different ages.  We have all 3 subscriptions!  Zoobooks is for kids ages 6-12, Zootles for kids 3-6, and Zoobies for kids 0-3.  These magazines are great for kids who love the zoo, nature, or to learn about animals.  My children love all three, so it is a perfect fit.

9. Sparkle World (3-8) Last but not least, I found this magazine I want to try.  According to the website, “Sparkle Magazine is filled with fun games, puzzles, crafts, stories, and poems that are fresh and help girls discover who God is and how He works in His world and their lives. For girls ages 6 to 8.”…I also see there is a magazine called Shine Brightly (9-14) for the target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow” next age up on the site…which looks to be perfect for my 9 year old.  I can see that in her future!

So, my tip for encouraging reading is to pick out something that you know your children will love to read and have it delivered to them.  Even if you are a classroom teacher, having magazines and comics for children to look at is a great way to get students reading.

*Answer to the riddle above:  I have one child born on leap year, and the other was born June 2…  so, the one will turn 1 in a few months, and the other turned 3 yesterday but is only 3/4 to his first birthday!

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