Phonics Reading Program

Here are free videos and resources to help teach phonics:  We have free videos for the vowels, as well as many resources for both vowels and consonants.   Enjoy!

Teach Phonics!  Visit Free resources for teaching the vowels:  Free videos that explicitly teach children to sound out words, write them.  Great for teaching spelling, phonics, handwriting, writing and more!

Teaching the Short Aa Sound -Free Videos and WorksheetsTeaching the Long Aa Sound -Free Videos and Worksheets  Teaching the Short Aa Sound:  AlligatorFun, Free Phonics WorksheetShort and Long Aa worksheets 

Bundle to teach all the vowels
Teaching the Short Ee Sound:  Videos and WorksheetsTeaching the Long Ee Sound - Videos and Worksheets  Fun, Free Phonics WorksheetBundle to teach all the vowels
Helping a Student Learn the Short Ii sound:  Videos and WorksheetsTeaching the Long Ii sound -Videos and Worksheets Short I:  Inchworm Bundle to teach all the vowels
How to teach the Short Oo Sound:  Videos and Worksheets Helping a Student Learn the Long Oo Sound -Videos and Worksheets Bundle to teach all the vowels
Teaching the Short Uu Sound:  Videos and WorksheetsTeaching the Long Uu Sound:  Videos and Worksheets Bundle to teach all the vowels
Y as a Vowel sometimes makes the i Sound:  Videos and WorksheetsY as a Vowel sometimes makes the eSound:  Videos and Worksheets Bundle to teach all the vowels

Teach Phonics!  Visit

The Letter BbPractice and Games for the Letter Bb (Day 7)
The Letter Bb -Free Phonics Printable
Activities to teach Letter BFree download of confusing letter Bb Teaching confusing letters download
CcFun, Free Phonics Worksheet – Letter C Activities to teach Letter C
DdFun, Free Phonics Worksheet -Letter D Activities to teach Letter D
Ff Fun, Free, Phonics Worksheet -Letter F Activities to teach Letter F
The Letter Gg The Letter Gg – Free Phonics printable Activities to teach Letter G
Hh Fun, free, phonics worksheet – The Letter H Activities to teach Letter H Hamburger Cookie Recipe
Jj Activities to teach Letter J
Kk Activities to teach Letter K
Ll Activities to teach Letter L
MmMaking Marshmallow Munchies in a Microwave Activities to teach Letter M
Nn Activities to teach Letter N
Pp Activities to teach Letter P
Qq Q and U wedding Activities to teach Letter Q
The Letter RrRice, Raspberries and Raisin Cereal  Activities to teach Letter R
The Letter SsSipping Strawberry Sodas with a Straw Activities to teach Letter S
Tt Activities to teach Letter T
Vv Activities to teach Letter V
Ww Activities to teach Letter W
Xx Activities to teach Letter X
Yy Activities to teach Letter Y
Zz Activities to teach Letter Z