Memorial Day Writing Prompt
Today I wanted to bring you some Memorial Day Writing Prompt ideas. As a child we always had several Memorial Day traditions. On Saturday before Memorial Day my mom, sister and I would go to the cemetery and “decorate” graves of all of our relatives. We cleaned them, groomed them, and then left them flowers. On Memorial Day we would go to mass in the morning. Our church would hold the mass in a cemetery, and then we would go and visit the cemetery where our relatives are buried and say some prayers there. Then we would go home and have a nice cookout and enjoy the day outside. It was always a great weekend. Now, as an adult, we do some similar things. We no longer live close to the grave sites so we cannot go to that cemetery. We do go to a Memorial Day parade, though, and salute the soldiers. More recently my kids have been in the parade -which is always a big thrill! They belong to an American Heritage Girl troop and so they are learning to honor their country and serve in their community. A parade is a great way to do both! We also usually go to a cemetery and we look for “soldiers graves”…(evidenced by the flags on the grave), and thank the soldiers for their service. We then go home and enjoy a nice cookout with family. Anyway, here are some good books to help you teach children about Memorial Day.
The Wall (Reading Rainbow Books)Memorial Day (Let’s Celebrate)
Let’s Celebrate Memorial Day (Holidays & Heroes)
Anyway, I have brainstormed and come up with 15 different writing prompts for Memorial Day.
Memorial Day Writing Prompt
Memorial Day is a great opportunity to help your students practice writing. These Memorial Writing Prompts will help students think about Memorial Day, and why we honor, reflect, remember and celebrate it.
This product contains 50+ pages: There are 4 different types of pages: One that has a picture and a place to write the Earth Day writing prompt, one that has 2 of the same writing prompts on the page so that you can cut it in half/ optimize on paper. One that is for a longer writing prompt/a full sheet of paper and then one that just has a drawing -for students that are younger or at a different level and need to just draw.
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A longer/larger version of this product is found in our store. In addition, it is in our writing prompt bundle:
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