Reading Patch Lite
What do you do with students who are
falling behind in reading?
You have a little learner—you know the one—who just seems to be hitting a brick wall with his reading.
He’s gotten all the same lessons as the other kids.
Been exposed to the same sight words.
Sung the songs and done the worksheets.
But no matter what you try, he’s falling farther and farther behind.
When faced with a struggling reader, you might be temptedto blame uninvolved parents (we’ve all done it)
…or wonder if he has an undiagnosed learning disability

But what if the problem is easier than you think?
You see, in most cases, it’s NOT the fault of the materials you’re working with, or the child’s “reading readiness”—
It’s that you’re trying to plant seeds in soil that hasn’t been warmed up by the sunshine yet.
Studies have shown that the magic ingredient for turning any non-reader into a reader is confidence. It’s like the sunshine that prepares his young brain to receive the input (and make the connections!) that help reading grow and flourish.
So this is where most teachers struggle: We keep trying to give our child more practice worksheets, when what he really needs is a ray of sunshine.
Here’s the key:
If you focus on building a child’s confidence first, it helps even kids with unique learning challenges become more successful.
It’s easier than you think
In the Reading Patch, we’ve developed a simple, step by step system for helping new andstruggling readers become successful, when everything else has failed. It’s as easy as 1-2-3:
Step 1. Start with the Sunshine Moment! If you try to plant “learning seeds” in soil that isn’t even warmed up yet, it’ll never grow. Start with a “Sunshine Moment” of confidence, and your seeds will fall into rich, fertile soil. We bring this out from the very first lesson. |
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Step 2. Plant the right seeds Just like you’d never expect to get a prize winning garden by throwing out a bucket full of random seeds, you can’t grow successful readers with random tips, tricks, exercises, and worksheets you scrape together on Pinterest! Plant strong seeds of learning, in the right order, and you’ll be able to grow a beautiful, fruitful garden as you nurture your little learners. |
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Step 3. Water with encouragement as your reader practices, using the seeds you’ve just planted Instead of moving on to new learning right away, spend a few days nurturing the seeds you’ve already planted! Because when your child practices, you’re making him more confident—and more sunshine equals greater reading success! |
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Inside the Reading Patch, you’ll have access to:

Step by Step Video Instruction
Based on 30 years of developmental first grade classroom experience, we’ve developed a unique step-by-step system for kickstarting your little learner’s reading success. It begins with learning just two easy sight words and plenty of practice to jumpstart your child’s confidence. Lessons build sequentially, so your child will have the tools to feel successful. Your child can learn directly from Mrs. Karle via video, or you can watch this master teacher to recreate the lesson on your own.

Teacher’s Manual and Helpful Hints
For each lesson, you’ll have a script to follow so you can recreate the experience as choral reading for your whole class or in small groups. Plus, we’re highlighting the most helpful teaching points to make sure you’re encouraging and guiding your students effectively. There’s no room for error! You’ll know exactly what to do.

Guided Practice Pages + Bonus Extension Activities
Just five minutes of practice each day will help your students internalize the reading lessons, and we have everything prepared for you, all in one place. Breeze through a single practice assignment and on to the next lesson…or stay in the same lesson with extra extension activities to solidify your child’s learning. No need to go searching for “extra help” worksheets with this program—you’ll never get lost down the Google/Pinterest/TPT rabbit hole again!
In short?
We’ve gathered everything you need to help your child be successful, all in one place.
We LOVE your site! It has made my son excited about being able to read each page. At the end of the day, he takes his worksheet around reading it to everyone he sees! He’s gaining so much confidence, which is amazing to see because he previously had such a bad self concept about reading. -Sara,
homeschooling mom
The Reading Patch is the best investment you’ll
ever make to help your struggling readers
$79- Step by step confidence building lessons
- 25 on-demand video lessons
- Guided practice printable PDFs
- Bonus extension activities
- Teacher’s manual
- One classroom license
- Progress chart to track your child’s progress
- Classroom tracking chart for at-a-glance records for a small group or full class
- Full Color printable PDF teacher’s guide: Print and bind all 120 lessons before you start!
- Real Picture Noun flashcards to go along with program
What reading levels does this program cover?
Each lesson builds step by step on the previous lesson. The first 25 lessons will help your child become proficient at roughly a Kindergarten level (ready for first grade). Lessons 26 – 120 cover everything you’ll need to be ready for second grade. By the end of our 120 program your little reader will be reading at a second grade reading level. THIS IS FOR THE “LITE” Program -only days 1-25. It will prepare your student to be ready for first grade reading.
What is your teaching philosophy?We believe that all children can learn to read. If Helen Keller could accomplish so much with so many challenges, then every child can learn and thrive. We believe that in order to teach a child to read, you have to build confidence. A confident reader loves to read. A struggling reader does not like to read because reading does not feel good.
Sight words or Phonics?Both! You need both! We initially teach a controlled vocabulary of sight words. This allows the little reader to gain confidence and only read the words they know. As the little reader feels confident, we introduce phonics and word families. We introduce letters and letter sounds throughout the entire process as well.
How much does it cost?The Lite, Days 1-25 of the Reading Patch costs $79. This will get your little reader reading and ready to enter 1st grade.
Can I see sample lessons?Yes! We would love for you to try the Reading Patch for a few days with your little reader (or readers)…
Lesson 1Lesson 2
Lesson 3
We focus first on building confidence. When your little reader sees success in Lesson 1, they will want to continue learning!
I have another question not answered here….Got a question that wasn’t answered here? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to answer it for you!
How long does it take to do the program each day?Our program takes 15 minutes each day. We give you explicit directions that you can read beforehand and then it takes about 10 minutes to teach and 5 minutes for practice. In addition, we give you many extra worksheets and activities in this essentials pack so that your little reader gets and extra 10 minutes of fun to further reinforce concepts learned that day (or week).
How old does my little reader need to be?There really is no “correct” age. Usually a child is ready around age 5… but, really you want to see if the child is “reading ready” to see if you are ready to begin. We include a reading readiness test within this pack so that you can test your reader. You can always begin and if your child struggles, you pause. …wait a few days, repeat where you left off (or start over). The important thing is that your little reader has confidence…if they start to struggle at all, they are not ready. We have had people teach using our program as young as 3.5, and we have had adults learn to read using our program! We have also taught many ESL students of all ages and many special needs students. We get thank you letters all the time from people all over the world with all different abilities and languages. The key is confidence.
What forms of payment do you accept?You can pay for your membership with your credit card or Paypal account.
Can I share a subscription with my friend?No. Each subscription is for one teacher only. Sharing of subscriptions is strictly prohibited and violates our terms of service. Your subscription includes everything you need to help your child become proficient at a second-grade reading level, including videos, worksheets, guided activities, and helpful teacher materials. This is an incredible offer at an unbelievably low price.
Can I purchase on TpT?Yes! You can! We have our Reading Patch Lite membership on TpT here. After purchase on TPT you will get a PDF download with directions on how to “purchase” (using a 100% off coupon code) the Reading Patch and login to start using the program. If you have trouble with the process, you can contact me at [email protected]
What Teachers are Saying…
“I am using this as a Morning Message in kindergarten. I love that it includes a lot of our sight words. The kids are really enjoying it and the kids are very proud of themselves for being able to read it. I love how it includes a variety of punctuation marks and the kids are learning to read with expression.”-Nancy,
Kindergarten Teacher
About your Instructor

Mrs. Karle is a veteran developmental reading teacher of more than 30 years. She has spent her career proving that with a little confidence, all children can learn to read. Her materials have helped kids with significant reading delays, autism, dyslexia, second language barriers, and other learning differences become outstanding, confident readers. Mrs. Karle developed this reading program to bring the magic of “lightbulb moments” to every struggling reader.
The Reading Patch is the best investment you’ll
ever make to help your struggling readers
$79- Step by step confidence building lessons
- 25 on-demand video lessons
- Guided practice printable PDFs
- Bonus extension activities
- Teacher’s manual
- One classroom license
- Progress chart to track your child’s progress
- Classroom tracking chart for at-a-glance records for a small group or full class
- Full Color printable PDF teacher’s guide: Print and bind all 120 lessons before you start!
- Real Picture Noun flashcards to go along with program

Our Sunshine Guarantee states that if your child doesn’t experience more confidence and reading fluency in the first 7 days, we’ll refund your investment with a smile.
“An excellent resource for beginning readers. I love how it covers word concept and correspondence. It covers so many topics for beginning readers. I can’t “An excellent resource for beginning readers. Thanks.”
-Katrina, Kindergarten Teacher
“I have taught Kindergarten for 11 years. I came across this program last year and immediately loved it! It is so child-friendly, teacher-friendly, and perfectly aligned to our curriculum! It even includes a Reading Readiness Assessment, sight word flash cards, and step-by-step tutorials on how to use the resources. After beginning this program with my students i the middle of the year, I saw a huge growth in their word recognition and fluency. My End of Year scores for Reading were the highest they have ever been in my 11 years of teaching! I would highly recommend this program for all teachers who wants to see their students develop a love of reading!”
-Kelly, Kindergarten Teacher
I have just begun using this program with my 3.5 year old son. He loves the bright colored pictures and the stories are interesting to him. The lesson plans are very detailed, which I appreciate since I have never taught young children before. Thank you!
-Alecia, Homeschool Mom
Excited to start this with my son at home. Thank you for spelling out everything I need to do to help him fully learn to read and comprehend!
-Angela, Homeschool Mom
We LOVE your site! It has made my son excited about being able to read each page. At the end of the day, he takes his worksheet around reading it to everyone he sees! He’s gaining so much confidence, which is amazing to see because he previously had such a bad self concept about reading.
-Anne Marie, Homeschool Mom