3 Free Letter W Coloring Pages – Easy Download!
Wow!!! Are you ready for some Beginning Sound Letter W Coloring Pages? Worm, wagon, wale, wheel… help your students learn the letter W sound with these fun Beginning Sound Letter W Coloring Pages. Before we begin, here are some of my favorite books to teach the letter W! Enjoy!
Rosie’s WalkDiary of a Worm
I Went Walking
Mrs. Wishy-Washy
The Worrywarts
There are three Letter w coloring pages. There is one with just a capital Letter W, there is a coloring page with just the lower case Letter W and then there is a third one that has the upper case letter a on top of the lower case Letter W letters. To get your free Letter W Coloring Pages, enter your name and email into the form below and they will be automatically emailed to you. You will be added to our mailing list where you will find out about more fun things. If you have any trouble, please email me at [email protected]
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