December Holiday Writing Prompts


Help your students think and write about Christmas with these Christmas Day Writing Prompts. There are 15+ Writing Prompts and 60+ pages in this packet.

Students can think and write about love and friendship.

This product contains 60+ pages: (15+ different writing prompts)
There are 4 different types of pages:
–One that has a picture and a place to respond to the prompt
—One that has 2 of the same writing prompts on the page so that you can cut it in half/ optimize on paper.
—One that is for a longer writing prompt/a full sheet of paper
–One that just has a drawing -for students that are younger or at a different level and need to just draw.


Help your students think and write about Christmas with these Christmas Day Writing Prompts. There are 15+ Writing Prompts and 60+ pages in this packet.

Students can think and write about love and friendship.

This product contains 60+ pages: (15+ different writing prompts)
There are 4 different types of pages:
–One that has a picture and a place to respond to the prompt
—One that has 2 of the same writing prompts on the page so that you can cut it in half/ optimize on paper.
—One that is for a longer writing prompt/a full sheet of paper
–One that just has a drawing -for students that are younger or at a different level and need to just draw.


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