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We know from national statistics  that 65% of children struggle reading at a 4th grade reading level.

Let that sink in….  65% of people NEVER  READ PAST A  4TH GRADE  READING LEVEL.

Option 1: Hire a tutor
$250+ MONTHLY fee and Weeks (or months!) of wait time while the tutor tries to help your little reader Option 2: Take a class
$1000 in credit hours

Perhaps you are a teacher or specialist.  You could go to a conference or class to get tips and advice to help little readers….BUT, again, you are just getting tips and advice, not specific curriculum that will create confident readers.

Option 3: Join the Reading Patch!

Just $9.97/month for explicit directions, materials, videos and tips to increase your reader’s confidence and get them reading!  (You can cancel anytime!)
Give it a try today!
