Teaching Phonics Lesson Plans
Teaching the vowels is easy using these phonics worksheets. You can use these worksheets many different ways, but -one way we suggest is to chorally teach the worksheets so that every child is actively involved in sounding out and writing each letter, word and sentence. The teacher is the model that demonstrates how each word is sounded out and spelled. Each child, using his/her own worksheet, chorally makes the sounds as well, writing the letters while following along. Very quickly, children become their own models!
This packet contains all the long and short vowels, including y as a vowel – making the sound e or i.
The types of worksheets included are:
• A Teacher Directed Worksheet: -This worksheet contains several picture words and a few other sight words. Underneath each of the picture words are the words which the teacher will help the student(s) chorally sound out. This worksheet can also be used as a tracing worksheet during a review day.
• A Student Worksheet: This worksheet contains several picture words and a few other sight words. This is the worksheet that the student uses to follow along with the teacher while sounding out each word.
• A Teacher Directed Sentence: After the students sound out each of the pictures and sight words with the teacher, the teacher helps the students sound out and write a sentence about one of the picture words. The teacher uses the teacher directed sentence to help teach sound blending, but also proper sentence structure and punctuation.
• A Student Worksheet for Teacher Directed Sentence: A blank copy of writing paper is included for the students to write their teacher directed sentence.
The program was intended to use these four worksheets in the following way: (You may, however, use the worksheets as desired in your classroom.)
• Chorally sound out/ sound blend and write out each letter of each of the picture words and sight words with the students
• Chorally sound out/sound blend and write out each teacher directed sentence. Make sure to highlight correct sentence format and punctuation: Begins with a capital letter, ends with a question mark (or period when appropriate).
• Have students trace over (and sound out on their own) letters to further reinforce writing and phonics concepts.
You can do these three skills together in one lesson, or, two or three different lessons on different days.
The following skills are reinforced each day the program is used:
• Name of letter being taught as well as individual letters in each word being written
• Sounds of almost every letter (repeated many times each day)
• Sound blending
• Vowel/consonant skill reinforcement
• Sentence structure
• Punctuation
• Concept of word
• Left to right reading and writing
• Letter formation
• Comprehension
• Spelling
• Reinforcement of basic sight words
These worksheets can be used to strengthen reading skills at any primary grade level.