Classroom Rules for Kindergarten
Classroom Behavior Strategies
Here is how to implement my mother’s classroom behavior strategies in your classroom or home.
1.. Pick out a Troll for your Classroom. Here are a few ideas I found… My mom actually had trolls on everyone’s desk but I have looked around and can’t seem to find a cost effective way of doing this. Pay attention to the size of the troll listed. Some are bigger than others – usually based on price (the bigger the price, the more expensive the troll). You decide what size troll is good for your classroom.
Dreamworks Trolls Surprise Mini Figure Series 2 – Package includes 1 Mini FigureTrolls Collection Pack
DreamWorks Trolls Poppy Collectible Figure
DreamWorks Trolls Poppy Large Hug ‘N Plush Doll
DreamWorks Trolls Poppy 9-Inch Figure
2. Talk to your classroom about the Troll. You will need to name him/her as a group. This is a good activity to take suggestions, take a vote and make a graph. This can be a learning activity for math!
3. Tell your class that the troll likes it when the class is in con-troll. We all have to be in con-troll or the troll goes into hiding! We don’t want the troll to find another home in the school! We want to keep our troll!
4. Make a home for your troll. The troll should live in a place in the classroom that is easy to see. He may even live in a place that is easy to touch… You may want to allow the children to play and interact with the troll. Like I said before, my mom actually gave a troll to each child in the class. The troll would stand on the student’s desk. If they touched the troll while they were supposed to be listening and learning, she would take the troll away. If the child stayed in con-troll, the troll remained on the desk. The students always wanted to have their troll so she never had an issue. If you have a classroom troll, though -get the students involved in figuring out what a troll needs for their home.
5. Discuss with your class what being in con-troll means. Make a list of classroom rules that the troll likes. We want to make sure everyone is on the same page because we do not want the troll to find a new home. Remember, the troll likes that everything is in con-troll so, he really wants everyone to know and follow the rules! Here is a list of sample rules. These classroom rules can and should include a list of positive behaviors you would like to see in the classroom.
- Raise your hand when you speak
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself
- Talk with inside voices
- Keep the classroom clean/pick up when you are finished working
- Listen when the teacher is talking
- Work and play nicely with others.
- It is okay to make a mistake
- Try your best
- Listen the first time.
- Be ready to learn.
- Help others.
- Treat others as you want to be treated.
- Share with others.
- Say please and thank you.’s f
6. Tell the students that the troll likes to only focus on the positive/the good things in the classroom. Fill up a Classroom Good behavior Jar (the troll’s food) and when the Jar is full, the whole class is rewarded. – The more you focus on acting the right way and model acting the right way, the more good behavior you will see. If you are always drawing attention to the negative behavior, those students who want attention will do bad behavior just to get attention. Our troll only wants to focus on positive attention. So, with our classroom troll, we are only looking for the good in others. A few times a day, (perhaps before or after a transition), we will take a few moments to to talk about what we did right. Give the students the opportunity to raise their hand and say something they noticed that someone did well. When someone points out a good behavior, start to fill a good behavior jar. When the jar is full, the students get a classroom reward (and the troll gets fed his food!) If the jar is not being filled quickly enough, the troll is going to search for food somewhere else… and that means he is going to leave!!! We need to keep the troll in the classroom and feed him! Classroom rewards can include..
- The whole class can watch a movie
- Extra recess
- Extra library time
- Extra trip to the technology lab
- Extra computer time
- Extra nap/quiet/free choice time
- Flashlight Friday -students get to bring a flashlight and read a book by flashlight on Friday
- Stuffed animal Day -students get to bring in a stuffed animal to introduce to the troll
- Play a class game
- Have a dance party
- Homework Pass
- Have a dance party
7. If the students are having a hard day, the Troll disappears. The troll needs food so, if he thinks the students are not doing things to fill his jar, he may leave the classroom! To get the class back on track, make sure to frequently try and fill the trolls food jar with lots of positive behavior. –You could have an added incentive that if the troll stays in the room all week, one student gets to take the troll home for the weekend… Or, if the trolls stays in the room the entire day, at the end of the day the students get 5 minutes of free time before dismissal. Be flexible with your troll and use him as you need him to control the classroom, BUT, remember to keep things positive. Focus on the good that you (and others) see….this will help to keep the students doing good things.
Free Classroom Rules for Kindergarten
If you would like some free classroom rules for kindergarten that have trolls on them and will help keep your classroom in con-troll, enter your email into the form below and you will be added to our mailing list where you will find out about more fun things. If you wish to be removed, just follow the directions with your download (or unsubscribe yourself from the first newsletter that comes)
2. Get tips to help you grow a confident new or struggling reader
you will learn how to break free from patching together reading lessons
and learn how to grow a confident reader.
8. If you are looking for some books to help reinforce positive behavior in the classroom, I found this great series of book… they work great!
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to ListenHoward B. Wigglebottom Learns It’s OK to Back Away: A Story About Managing Anger
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Bullies
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns about Sportsmanship:Winning Isn’t Everything
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns We Can All Get Along
Howard B. Wigglebottom and Manners Matters
Howard B. Wigglebottom and the Monkey on His Back: A Tale About Telling the Truth
Howard B. Wigglebottom Listens to His Heart
Howard B. Wigglebottom 12-Book Learning Set
You can read more about the Wigglebottom book series here…
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These look awesome. I can’t wait to use them with my class as I know they will love l
them. Thank you so much.
Aww, yay! I am glad you love them. 🙂 Good luck with classroom con-troll 🙂
Thank you Meeghan l love this idea.
You are so welcome! Have fun with your troll! 🙂
It´s sooo cute! Thank you so much.
Yay! So glad you love the trolls! Enjoy!
I want to learning how to reading program skills special adult I will have my worksheet on Monday ok thanks you