Free Thanksgiving Worksheets for Kids
Well, my timeline is a little bit strange. I have already started posting Free Christmas worksheets for kids… I somehow missed Thanksgiving. EEK! My profuse apologies – I am definitely not one of those people that likes to skip over Thanksgiving. In fact, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! I love Thanksgiving because it is a day devoted entirely to being thankful to all of the blessings in my life! It is a day devoted entirely to being with family and friends, and it is a day devoted to the bountiful harvest. The way to my heart is through family and food! So, without too much ado, here are a few free Thanksgiving Worksheets for kids.
Before we get started, though, I always like to give some book recommendations! Here are a few great Thanksgiving books for kids: I love the Pete the Cat book, it is a great teach tool about the Pilgrims journey on the Mayflower and the First Thanksgiving. I also love the Turkey Trouble book… What is a Turkey to do when he knows he will be dinner? Lastly, another favorite is the “There was an Old Lady” book… My kids love the series. This one is actually more realistic than the others….but, nonetheless it is cute!
Pete the Cat: The First ThanksgivingTurkey Trouble
Run, Turkey, Run!
Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks! (Reading Railroad)
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie (Picture Puffins)
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie (Picture Puffins)
10 Fat Turkeys
One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims (Picture Puffin Books)
Thanksgiving Worksheets for Kids
We have a whole bunch of free worksheets today… some color by letter and color by sight word worksheets, a worksheet that goes along with my post on how to teach gratitude to children, I also have a fun “Happy Thanksgiving” coloring page that would make a great place mat at the dinner table!
To get your free worksheets, please enter in your information below to be added to our newsletter list…(where you will find out about other free worksheets). If you wish to be removed, follow the directions that come with your freebie -OR, unsubscribe when the first newsletter arrives. If you have any trouble with your freebie, just email me at [email protected].
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Worksheet for Kids
Thank you for these! My timeline is off too! I just found these the day after thanksgiving. They are great though! I’m off to check out your Christmas stuff:).
I am glad you found them. Please come back starting Monday we will have many giveaways and freebies that will lead us all the way up the Christmas! 🙂
I do not like having to download apps in order to get free items. Please take me off your E-mail list.
You should not have to download anything to get our free things…you likely clicked on an ad… to get our free things you just enter your name/email into the blue box and it will be emailed to you. I will remove you from our list… but, my guess is that you clicked on an ad for an app or something because we require no app download/software download.
That’s really impolite and ungrateful that this person feels like this. I can feel all the LOVE and time that you put into making life so much easier for us as parent’s or teachers. I’m grateful for All you do for us, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Thankful for being a special Blessing and sharing with all of us.
Aww, thank you so much! 🙂 It makes me smile to help parents and teachers. 🙂 Enjoy!
i received the email with the link for the free worksheets but when I click on the link, it takes me to this page and then I can’t find a link with the worksheets. I am not sure what to do.
So sorry you had trouble. Did you enter in your email into the form so that the freebie is sent to you? (There is usually a blue, or white box that says name/email in it where you enter in your information and the freebie is automatically sent). You have to enter your email into the form each time so that the correct freebie is sent to you. (You are not re-added to the email list -the system is smart enough to know you are already on the list).
Did you get the email with the link to the freebie? Sometimes things go to the spam box. I have 2 different servers…one that sends the freebie and the next one signs you up for the newsletter. If you got an email from me that did not have your freebie you requested, it means that the freebie email was sent -but likely went into spam.
If you got the email with the freebie link in it…can you click the link in the email? If you can click the link, then your freebie will either download into your download folder or it will open in a new tab in your browser. Did you check your download folder? That is where the download will go once you click the link. Did you check a new tab in your browser?
Another common problem is sometimes you get the email and it has the link -but it is not hyperlinked…in which case you have to copy/paste the link into the browser and it will download into the download folder.
Anyway, have you tried those things and are you still having trouble? If so, just email me: [email protected] and I will attach it for you.. I first try to troubleshoot the common problems so you can learn the process and then if you still have trouble, I am always happy to help you resolve 🙂