2 Free CVC IG Word Family Worksheets-Make a minibook!
Word Families are a great way to help teach phonics and expand a child’s vocabulary with reading. It also is a great way to show that reading is magic! Cat becomes bat, bat becomes hat, hat becomes rat… Children can build fluency (speed and accuracy) and also their reading vocabulary. today we have some cvc ig word family worksheets. We have a word family mini-book bundle available for purchase:
In addition,if you are looking for some great word family stories, here are 25 Read and Write Word Family Stories to help build fluency. (They are found on amazon!)
2 Free CVC IG Word Family Worksheets-Make a minibook!
With today’s ig cvc word family worksheets, students cut and past the am words onto the page They can then trace or write the am word below each picture.
To get your free ig cvc word family worksheets, enter your email into the form below and you will be added to our email list where you will find out about more fun things. If, for some reason, you have trouble, please contact me at [email protected] and I will be happy to help you. I am not sure why it gives people problems sometimes, but I am happy to get you the worksheets you want.
2. Get tips to help you grow a confident new or struggling reader
you will learn how to break free from patching together reading lessons
and learn how to grow a confident reader.
This IG CVC Word Family Worksheet pack is included in our CVC Short Vowel Word Family Mini-Book Bundle on TPT
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