Reading Tutoring Resources
If your child struggles with reading, it can be hard and frustrating to figure out how to help them. As a reading teacher, I too have a child who struggles with reading! She is doing well now, in second grade, but, it definitely takes her a lot of work and practice to help her succeed. Fortunately along the way I have found a few online reading tutoring resources that she has enjoyed (and I love too!). I also have my own tips and tricks for teaching a struggling reader.
Online Reading Tutoring Resources
- Reading Buddy Software: (Grades 1-8) The first of the online reading tutoring resources I am going to share is a program called Reading Buddy Software. I was given a free trial to the program to test with my daughter. They also sponsored this post…but, I have to say, Reading Buddy Software is impressive. Reading buddy Software is a software that listens to your child read. Not only does it listen to your child read but it also corrects your child when they read a word incorrectly. The best way to improve fluency (reading accurately and quickly) is to read correctly, read correctly, read correctly. The best way to improve comprehension is to read correctly, read correctly, read correctly. Reading Buddy Software makes sure your child is reading correctly and comprehending correctly. Reading Buddy Software is like a reading tutor except you only pay once monthly. It gives your child unlimited access to books and will listen to your child read and correct their mistakes. Reading Buddy Software reads the story to your child. Then your child reads it back to Reading Buddy Software. If your child makes any mistakes, Reading Buddy Software does not let your child move on. Your child must correct her mistake before continuing. After reading the passage, Reading Buddy Software reads the passage again. Then your child practices the words she got wrong by reading them again to Reading Buddy and then she reads the entire passage to Reading Buddy Software. Then Reading Buddy Software will ask some reading comprehension questions. There is a built in reward system so your child will like to do reading buddy software to be able to earn rewards. (You set the rewards so you could do a hug or a trip to the library or an ice cream or screen time). Many time children feel embarrassed to read to a real person because they make mistakes. Children won’t feel embarrassed to read to Reading Buddy Software! My daughter really loved Reading Buddy Software. When we first started using it, we had a headset and microphone set that was not very good. My daughter got frustrated and hated reading. I bought a new headset/microphone set
that had good ratings and Reading Buddy Software turned into a friend! She asked for it every day. I think she could tell it was helping her. I could tell it was helping her too! I could see her progress and her scores for each reading passage. What a difference a good set of headsets makes! Every day I usually have my daughter read out loud to me. (You should not have a child read silently because you don’t know if they are really reading and you don’t know if they are reading correctly). Many times when she reads to me out loud I am making dinner or doing laundry or doing something. I am not looking at the words, I am listening. She could be making errors and I am not noticing. Reading Buddy Software is reading the words and does notice when she reads incorrectly. It would correct her and she would improve her vocabulary and reading ability. Two thumbs up for Reading Buddy Software!
-(Ages 2-6)You can see my ABCMouse reviews here. I was thoroughly impressed with it. The program definitely does not explicitly teach your child to read. That is up to you (or a teacher, or, you can use our free online reading program)…but, it does really help with practicing the fundamentals! My kids LOVE ABC Mouse. They go on it all the time to play games and practice skills.
- Sight and Sound Reading (PreK-2) (This is my site!)- You can help your struggling reader with our free online reading program/. It is a great homeschool reading curriculum, or you can use it as supplement to a classroom to help struggling readers.
- Reading Eggs
(Ages 3-13)- I have not formally written a Reading Eggs post yet but I also did purchase that to know whether or not to recommend it. I have to say, I was underwhelmed with it, and so were my children. If we did not also do ABC Mouse, I probably would have been impressed. The issue is that I am comparing it to ABC Mouse. ABC Mouse is a clear winner (but also costs more too!). If I had just bought Reading Eggs… the kids would only have known reading eggs and they would have been happy and enjoyed it. So, I only mention it because people often ask about it. Do I completely recommend it? No. It is hard for me to know how awesome it is and how well my kids enjoyed it because we also did it alongside ABC Mouse and they clearly preferred that. I have talked to many parents though who have just done Reading Eggs and they loved it… I think it is just a matter of perspective. If the child only knows Reading Eggs, it will be okay.
These 4 programs are the Reading Tutoring Resources I have tried. Have you heard of any others? Let me know and I will be happy to test them out and add to the review!
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Reading Buddy Software is advanced, speech recognition reading software that listens, responds, and teaches as your child reads. It’s like having a tutor in your computer
Tool : Buddy Software