Teddy Bear Picnic Activities for Kindergarten

I have got a fun theme for you this week!  We are going to be doing Teddy Bear activities!  After coming up with the Teddy Bear theme I had a flood of great ideas that I cannot wait to share.  Today we will be having Teddy Bear Picnic Activities for Kindergarten.
Teddy Bear Picnic Activities for Kindergarten: Fun activities to have a teddy bear picnic in a classroom. Great for preschool, kindergarten or first grade.

Teddy Bear Picnic Activities for Kindergarten

The first thing I would do is read the book Teddy Bear Picnic by David Grisman and Jerry Garcia (of the Grateful Dead).

Here is a video of Jerry Garcia singing the Teddy Bear’s Picnic song on youtube!  After reading the book you can play the song and then work on practicing and singing together the song.

After reading the book, you could explain to the students you are going to have your own teddy bear picnic!  You will make invitations together and the students will bring in their teddy bears (or other animals) into school for the day.  (I have included a template for the teddy bear picnic invitation below).

On the day of the Teddy Bear Picnic make sure you have some extra teddy bears in case a child forgets to bring one.  You could also have students share bears for the day.

The day the children bring in their teddy bears the students will leave them at their desks before going out to recess (or elsewhere).  When the children return to the classroom the bears will be missing/hidden!  The students will need to look for the bears using their binoculars!  They better dress in disguise while they go look for the bears…(wear your mask or bear hat!)  Once the bears are found, the students have a snack with their bears. (They could have teddy grahams and gummy bears)  They can also do a craft together, and a writing prompt.  (All these things are included below).

Another idea is that instead of having Teddy Bear Picnic Activities for Kindergarten, you could do a Teddy Bear Sleepover!  (OR, you could have both a picnic and a sleepover).  After the picnic is over, you could read the story A Bedtime for Bear (Bear and Mouse) by Bonnie Becker.  This book is about a Bear and a Mouse who go to have a sleepover together but then become frightened and they each keep up the other (until they eventually fall asleep).

After spending the day at the picnic there could be a teddy bear sleepover!  The children have to be okay with leaving their teddy bears at school but once the children leave for the night, the teddy bears get into mischief!  They will be found in the morning having done different activities in the room.  The students will be absolutely delighted when they arrive in the morning to find what their bear had done overnight!  This creates another opportunity for a writing prompt!

A teddy bear picnic and/or Teddy Bear sleepover are a fun way to help reinforce learning in the classroom. Do you have any ideas to share to host a teddy bear picnic?

I have about 10 different posts planned to go along with the teddy bear theme and teddy bear picnic.  Everything will be linked here once they are complete.  Here are the teddy bear picnic posts I currently have…

g   Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts for Kindergarten

To get a free Teddy Bear Picnic Invitation, enter your email into the form below and it will be emailed to you!  If you have any trouble, please email me at [email protected]

How to Grow a Confident Reader
Teddy Bear Picnic Invitations
When you join Mrs. Karle's Sight and Sound Reading
you will learn how to break free from patching together reading lessons
and learn how to grow a confident reader.
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Here are the posts that are coming soon:

Teddy Bear Picnic Activities for Kindergarten
Invitations for a Teddy Bear Picnic
Do you want to make a teddy bear?
Teddy Bear Picnic Coloring Pages
Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts
Teddy Bear Picnic Party games
Teddy Bear Picnic Mask/Hat
Teddy Bear Picnic Colof-by-Letter/ Color by Sight Word Pages
Brown Bear Brown Bear Lesson
Teddy Bear Bulletin Board Ideas
Teddy Bear Picnic Bear Craft/Book

Other great books and activities you can do for a Teddy Bear Picnic Include…
Corduroy Crafts and Activities

Teddy Bear Preschool Letter Cards

We Love Teddy Bears: Books, Lessons, Free Printables & More

Teddy Bear Cootie Catcher

To go along with the Teddy Bear Picnic, you may enjoy a Teddy Bear Picnic Set.

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Madreen Karle is a master first grade reading teacher with over 30 years of classroom experience. She taught reading in a special needs and English as a Second Language classroom. After retiring she wrote a reading program to help others learn how to teach reading. She is a trusted educator and author of 5 books to help teach children to read and write. In addition to her books, she is a mentor for 3 websites that give reading teacher tips (Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound ReadingMrs. Karle’s Reading Patch, and Mrs. Karle’s Handwriting Patch). Through her teaching she learned that confidence was the key to learning to read. A child who is not confident at reading does not like to read and struggles to read. Mrs. Karle created “sunshine moments” to help teach children how to grow their confidence and learn to read.
Meeghan Karle Mousaw (Madreen’s daughter) has her Master’s in Special Education. She has 8 years experience teaching children to read online. In addition, she developed a curriculum to teach children handwriting called The Handwriting Patch. With the Handwriting Patch learning is fun because children learn to draw and learn handwriting at the same time. In 2019 The Handwriting Patch curriculum became an amazon best seller the first year it was released, helping thousands of kids learn handwriting with a unique, fun method. She is mom to 6 kids, each with differently learning abilities and struggles.
The Reading Patch was established by the creators of Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading. Together they have been featured on the NBC media outlets and Parents Magazine online. Over the last 8 years in their online platform, Madreen and Meeghan have worked tirelessly with teachers, homeschoolers and parents looking to help children learn to read to become a trusted authority in teaching children to read and advocating early literacy skills. They often partner with other educational experts to deliver the most current information to the Reading Patch community.


  1. Please send me a free printable teddy bear picnic invitations

  2. Denise McNair says:

    You have wonderful activities! Please send me all of the Teddy Bear Picnic activities.

    1. Hi there,
      I think you were looking for some free resources on my site but were having some trouble. I updated my site and the free downloads disappeared. I fixed things now and I just entered your email so you should get the download.
      1) Check Spam – sometimes things go there.
      2) Subject is “Here is your free download” – there is a link inside. Sometimes that link is not hyperlinked…you may have to…
      3) copy/paste the hyperlink for the download. It should open or download into your download folder
      4) If you have trouble, write me at [email protected] (forward me the freebie email because I don’t know which freebie you wanted).

      Thanks! Have fun!

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